Thursday, 24 October 2013

A visit to the Whippet Hotel, Burgess Hill, West Sussex

I honestly can't think of a nicer way to spend time than being surrounded by whippets in the beautiful English countryside. And guess what, that's what I was doing this afternoon!

As most whippet owners will probably agree, whippets just aren't built for a stay in kennels, they like their home comforts too much. We don't actually go away without ours very often, and if we go for short periods we leave them with our amazing dog walker. When I found the Whippet Hotel, I wondered if this would be a perfect solution for if we ever get to go on a longer holiday.

I asked if I could pop over for a visit, and Caroline, the 'front desk' of the hotel, was more than happy to agree. 

They take security of your whippets very seriously, and there are three high gates to get into the fenced back garden. My pooches got to meet the hotel whippet family (Basil, Flippet & Seb) & their guests. It was just lovely to see so many whippets in one place!

A testament to how relaxed my hounds were; Jasper, who is never usually interested in other dogs, flirted shamelessly with all and sundry, but was particularly taken with Flippet, who played very hard to get. Scout, normally very indifferent, was in a playful mood, begging Basil to play, and Boo was her normal boundy self.

This really is a home away from home, where whippets can all cuddle on the sofa with the humans, and bask in front of an open fire. It helps that everyone in the household is super lovely and quite obviously adore the dogs that stay with them.

I can only see one obvious problem with this hotel - I want to stay there!

Whippet Hotel Website:
Whippet Hotel Facebook page:

(c) {Sussex & Surrey Pet Photographer}

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwwwwww. What fantastic photographs! LOVE the ones on the kennel roof.
    Found your blog after looking up Whippet Hotel. I have a 13 week old puppy, Kizzy, an 8 year old Elkhound and was brought up in a house full of whippets. My parents had four!
    Off to look at the other photos.
